This paper is a summary of a book that was published in French in 2020[1]. In this book, over against an abundance of literature emphasizing the humanity of Jesus, the author wants to bring out the divinity of Jesus. This is not to say that he denies the humanity of Jesus. But he does want to present arguments to show that that does not fully explain the mystery of Jesus’ existence. He does this by presenting in-depth studies of a series of episodes from the gospel of Mark: Healing the paralytic (Mk 2), healing a demon possessed man (Mk 5), Feeding the multitudes (Mk 6), Announcing his death and ressurection (Mk 8-10), the
Transfiguration (Mk 9).
[1] Daniel Bourguet. L’humble divinité de Jésus dans l’évangile de Marc. Tome 1. Editions Olivetan, Lyon, 2020.
pdf: Hints at the divinity of Jesus in the gospel of Mark
Picture: painting of the transfiguration by By Alexander Andreyevich Ivanov 1824